Unleashing exponential emissions reductions.


The IPCC Fifth Assessment Report defines an energy system as “all components related to the production, conversion, delivery and use of energy”, yet from a structural viewpoint, an energy system is like any system in that it is made up of a group of interacting, interdependent and interrelated components that act according to a set of rules to form a unified whole.

Like ecosystems, energy systems are subject to periodic disturbances, whereby changing a single component affects other components and the system as a whole. These disturbances can lead to disruption, degradation and, ultimately, the collapse of the unified system.

How do you build systems that can accommodate shocks and chaos and continue to function? Don't try to be failsafe. Try to fail safely.
Rather than trying to design a solution to some future problem, we have to design a system that can deal with a whole wide range of problems.

Prof. Dr. Dennis Lynn Meadows “Keynote on 47 Years After Limits to Growth.” (2019)


Limiting global warming to 1.5C demands climate action on all fronts — everything, everywhere, all at once — yet despite three decades of scientific warnings of ever-greater clarity and urgency, the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report concludes that worldwide motivation to change energy consumption behaviour is low and insufficient to meet this goal.

Once we recognise, acknowledge and come to terms with the fact that net-zero goals will not be achieved by every country and every sector and on every timeframe, the question of how do we failsafe limiting global warming to 1.5C evolves instead into how do we fail safely and transform climate failures into climate wins?

We designed our proprietary non-linear Exponential Emissions Abatement Economic System (non-linear EEAE System) with this very same premise at its core: as opposed to focusing on one specific technology, sector or industry limited by rigid, linear and expensive decarbonisation pathways, we have gone to first principles and applied the via negativa to develop a non-linear system that leverages the interconnection, interdependence and interrelation between all the components that make up complex energy systems to create an anti-fragile system that thrives and grows when subjected to shocks and chaos.

In short, a system to transform climate failures into climate wins.


By going to first principles and applying the via negativa to leverage the interconnection, interdependence and interrelation between all the components that make up complex energy systems, our proprietary non-linear EEAE System unleashes an exponential progression of emissions reductions.

Whereas in linear progressions, the output quantity changes by a constant amount per unit of input (10, 11, 12, 13), in exponential progressions, the change in output quantity is not proportional per unit of input but is instead raised to the X power (10, 100, 1000, 10000).

Unleashing exponential emissions reductions transforms what science regards as a low-probability and virtually impossible event
into a reality available here and now — limiting global warming to 1.5C.