Steel Industry

Green steel, at coal-fired steel prices.

By 2030, 71% of existing coal-based blast furnaces will
reach the end of their lifetimes.

Replacing heavily polluting coal-fired blast furnaces with zero-emission technologies offers the industry a pathway to align with the Paris Agreement.

But is there sufficient investment security for steelmakers to successfully convert their processes to achieve the 1.5C goal?

Our proprietary non-linear EEAE System allows us to virtually scrap the cost difference (green premium) between low-carbon and conventional steel and introduce this premium product with market participants at price parity levels to conventional steel.

By virtually scrapping the cost difference between low-carbon and conventional steel, steelmakers within our network benefit from enhanced bankability, de-risked project financing and investment security.

We ensure green steel’s future, we ensure green hydrogen’s future, we ensure the green industrial future.